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The Exchange Booth, 2019
INC, MoneyLab #7, Amsterdam
Koonsthalle, The White Page Gallery , 2019
initiative of Dom Barra
The Wrong Biennale, Very Large Works, 2019
OPT-OUT Parallel Polis annual hackers congress
Prague, Czeck Republic
WannaTry again?, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
IASIS/HEALING, WannaTry?, 2019
Loutraki, Greece
Near Enough? NFCDAB #3, 2018
Near Field Communication Digital Art Biennale, 3rd edition, Tolhuistuin, Amsterdam
Infoavond WIV, 2018
Vondelbunker, Amsterdam
BrowserBased Valentine, 2018
Vondelbunker, Amsterdam
TU Delft, 2017
Research into Data Carriers
Paleis van Mieris, 2017
Project Samenlevingsovereenkomst
Friday, 11 november 2016
Nieuwmarkt, Amsterdam
Selling my Hungarian nationality
Project Samenlevingsovereenkomst
18 October 2016
Workshop for TU Delft with Sander Veenhof
On datacollection and the Internet of Anonymous Things
Internet, lego en robotworkshops voor kinderen tussen de 3 en 11 jaar
2016, op verschillende lokaties
Internetworkshop voor kinderen tussen de 8 en 11 jaar
29 december 2015 - Huis van de Wijk, Belgieplein, Amsterdam
Digital Biannale in Wrozlav, Poland
with BrowserBased.org
2 december 2015
Nerds on the Stage, Rotterdam
With Sander Veenhof
31 October - 21 November 2015
Media Art Festival(MAF), Leeuwarden
Participant in Young Masters Award exposition
25 September - 4 October 2015
Discovery Festival, Nemo, Amsterdam
With Sander Veenhof
10 - 13 September 2015
GOGBOT Festival, Enschede
With Sander Veenhof
1 - 19 September 2015
Open Atelier Residency #3
Brakke Grond, Amsterdam
With Elisabeth Ida Mulyani and Peter Puype
There is no offline anymore. If you carry a phone, but even if you're just in someone's picture, background, in the photo they have on their home's wall, you're online. Your every move generates personal data. This data is you. What you click on, what you download, what you post is part of your identity, part of your person. It's about time we realize that even if we don't have anything to hide from prying eyes, maybe we have something to protect.
The first project in my research is a collection of my cookies on Instagram, follow them following me!
A series of cut and paste collages
A series of images I have made when I changed nationality
A series of flyers I have made for the events and lectures of BrowserBased.org
Out of Office curated by Matthew Britton, where automatic replies are turned into online art.
Starting from the image of a nebula the video looses data - reverse engineering the creation of the universe.
Around 2000 there has been a surge in blogs that were set up with great care, users planned a great future for their online diary only to abanndon it after the first post. The game is to type in a word that is not connected to a blog or find a blog that is still active.